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AHEM! That cat is NOT cosplaying as GunDAM, it is CLEARLY dressed as a GunCANNON and I will thank you to not confuse the two! And look at that face. That cat is plotting a blood soaked rampage of revenge.

Speaking Gundam (“Can anyone help, I can’t understand them!” “I speak Gundam…”) I still to this day can’t get past the horrible, HORRIBLE dumbness of Doozy Bots. Imagine if that was the official entry point of Bandai’s ambitions to conquer America instead of the eventual airing of Gundam Wing.

But more. The visuals, the…cluelessness. That poor kid in a wheelchair. To be turned into a SD robot, but which? GUNTANK. GUN FLUPPIN’ TANK. The Mobile Suit WITHOUT LEGS!!!

I know they had to make the protagonists into the 0079 hero MS which was so limited at the time, and they pawned off the GM on the token girl of the gang, I guess the bad optics of having the girl be functionally useless and on the sidelines was more obvious…

Participation trophies for all! 😆

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